Upcoming Releases


We've got A LOT planned for what's next... with regular seasons, new tracks, new cars, new equipment, new race passes, and more! We can't wait to show you how we mean business when we talk about our ongoing support and content additions to the game.

AND of course... being a streamer + community focused game, we want to make sure we take feedback from y'all and prioritize it to make the game better. It's really hard to build streamer games without truly launching for streamers and seeing what it's like as a part of their normal content. So please, give us your feedback and help us prioritize what's next to make this game everything we all want it to be!


Season 2 has arrived with loads of content including a New Circuit, New Mode, All New Content, and more! On our (tentative) Roadmap, we have a lot coming your way and we look forward to bringing to the track for you.

Here's a quick look at what's in store for our future updates! We look forward to hearing how much you're enjoying Season 2, as well as what's on the way. Feel free to share your feedback with us, thanks!

Last updated