☑ī¸Closed Alpha 2 Roadmap

Everything we are planning for our Mid-Feb update!

Closed Alpha 2 - All New Content!

The next major release will feature a bunch of new content for you to play, including:

A Closer Look at the Race Pass

With the Race Pass, you’ll be able to earn more rewards the more you play. Here’s a sneak peek at some of the things included:

Improved Lobbies + The Garage

For the next release, we're improving how viewers easily retain playing with their favorite streamer. This includes sticking with them automatically after the race ends and increasing the chances of getting into a race next time if they miss out due to the race reaching the max limit.

MEGA Update!

We all know MEGAS are the bomb - pun intended. Soon you'll be able to equip a MEGA loadout pre-race start so you know which one you'll control during the race!

Introducing, Challenger Mode!

Challenger mode is our first alternative racing mode where the community races against bots to earn trophies and new tracks. A great way to race as a group rather than having individual goals for your Community!

Last updated