🎁Gift Bombs

Players can send gifts to a Streamer’s community by purchasing Gift Bombs! Support your favorite streamer and send love to the whole community.

What are Gift Bombs?

Gift Bombs are Nitro's version of community gifting. When you purchase a Gift Bomb you: support a specific Captain (aka. Streamer) and at the same time send gifts to their Community. Everyone wins!

What benefits do Captains get?

When you purchase a Captain item or Gift Bomb they will receive 40% to 50% revenue share. You can learn more about the Partner Program here.

How do I purchase a Gift Bomb?

  1. Search for your favorite Captain

  2. Once you join a Captain's lobby you can also send gifts while you wait for a race to start!

What is the difference among the Gift Bomb price points?

The price point determines the number of gifts you will send out where 1 Gift = $5 USD.

All Gifts have a chance of dropping:

  • Honk Packs

  • Flags

  • Wraps

  • Racers

Rarer items have a lower chance of dropping but higher price points add minimum guaranteed items.

You can check the drop rates here.

How do you determine who gets a gift?

We have four simple rules for determining who is eligible to get a gift. After that we do a random pull to choose the recipient:

  1. The Captain cannot get a gift.

  2. Only active community members can get a gift

    • To start, we wanted to make sure that all gifts went to active community members for that specific Captain.

    • It is easy to become active with a Captain. Just play in their races!

  3. A player can only get one gift per Gift Bomb purchase.

    • No double dipping 😉

  4. The random selections will favor players who don't own all of the Captain's content.

    • Our goal is to get Captain's products in the hands of more viewers.

Why are some of the price points greyed out?

We are automatically disabling the gifts that have more items than eligible players for a Captain (see rules 2 & 3 here).

Bigger Gift Bombs will unlock as more players become active!

How do you determine which item someone gets?

If you are selected to receive an item from a Gift Bomb, we determine the item you will receive in three steps:

  1. We will grant an item from that Captain that you do not own (based on our drop rates)

  2. If you already own all of the Captain's items, we have enabled some of the cool Nitro items from old Twitch drop campaigns as backup items! This is the only other place where you'll be able to get these items once the campaign is over.

What are item drop rates?

Drop rates will adjust based on the type of items a Captain has available in the Shop

Additionally, we add some minimum guarantees for bigger gifts:

What happens if a Captain doesn't have an item that has a minimum guarantee?

We will always favor getting Captain's items in Players hands so we will override the minimum guarantee in this case.

For example:

  • If a 5 item Gift Bomb were to guarantee one wrap minimum

  • and cool_captain only has Flags and Honk Packs and doesn't have a Wrap to sell yet.

  • We let Players buy the 5 Item Bombs but they won't contain the items the Captain doesn't have.

  • So, a cool_captain 5 Item Bomb would only have Flags and Honk Packs in it.

What are Gems?

For now, the only eligible item is the Seasonal Race Pass for 200 Gems but more items will be added soon!

Last updated