Game Glossary
What do all these stats & terms mean?
The % chance for a unit's attack to hit a target. The target's % Dodge will reduce the unit's Accuracy.
Units have a base of 100% Accuracy.
Accuracy behind 100% offers no benefit.
An attack or ability that will apply a negative effect on the target.
When a unit deals damage on a target.
Often abbreviated as "Atk" in-game.
Attack Cooldown
The amount of time it takes for a unit to perform an attack. Bonuses and penalties to Attack Speed will adjust the cooldown.
Attack Power
The base value a unit's attack.
Hero Ultimates and Heals will have a % scaling based on Attack Power.
Often abbreviated as "Atk Pwr" in-game.
Attack Speed
The % adjustment to Attack Cooldown.
Example: Increased Attack Speed reduces Attack Cooldown, which means the unit will attack more often per second.
Battle Start
Effects that apply before a battle begins.
The afflicted unit will attack its own party. Units from their party will not attack back, nor will the enemy party.
The unit cannot act for a duration. This affliction is in exchange for another effect.
Critical Chance
The chance for a unit's attack or heal to have a critical bonus.
Most units have a base chance of 25%. Archers and Rogues have a chance of 40%.
Certain abilities do not the chance for a critical bonus. These include:
Heal over time.
Damage over time.
Triggered damage such as the Sylvan Thorns Bonus.
Critical Bonus
The additional % applied to an attack or heal when a critical chance occurs.
The baseline is 30% Crit Bonus.
The amount of HP that is reduced by an attack.
Often abbreviated as "DMG" in-game.
Damage Dealt
The bonus applied to the damage deal by attacks.
Often abbreviated as "Dmg Dealt" in-game.
Damage Taken
The bonus applied to the damage taken by attacks.
Often abbreviated as "Dmg Taken" in-game.
Damage Resist
The bonus applied to reduce the damage taken by an attack.
Some abilities offer this with a modifier such as "vs. Ranged" and "vs. Melee", which only grants the bonus against those enemy attacks.
Often abbreviated as "Dmg Resist" in-game.
The unit will move quickly toward their target.
The bonus % chance to avoid an attack, taking no damage. Accuracy is reduced by this bonus to determine if an attack is hit.
An effect that makes the unit the lowest priority target to enemies.
If only Elusive units are on the battlefield, this effect has no impact on targeting.
The amount of damage a unit can take before becoming KO'd.
Also known as "hit points."
An unit's ability to recover HP to a unit.
Healing past a unit's maximum HP does not offer any benefits.
Healing Done
A bonus to a unit's performed healing action.
Healing Received
A bonus to a unit's healing that is applied to them.
The affected unit cannot move.
The unit has lost all of its HP.
An ability which will push a unit away.
Used by Heroes to trigger Ultimates, represented by the purple bar underneath the blue HP bar. Mana returns to 0 when once it is triggered.
Mana is generated by the following:
Each attack.
Each instance of damage taken.
Per second.
Units that can only attack in close range (1). This includes Rogues, Tanks, and Warriors.
Move Speed
How quickly a unit will move to target.
The baseline is 100% Move Speed.
Abilities will apply to units on the hex and directly adjacent hexes.
Certain Battle Start abilities which apply a bonus to multiple targets will not apply to the caster.
How far a unit's attack will reach.
1 Range = 1 Hex.
Units that can target greater than 1 Range. This includes Archers, Healers, and Mages.
An ability that will perform an attack to an enemy when damage is received by them.
Abilities that apply to units on a target row of hexes.
Certain Battle Start abilities which apply a bonus to multiple targets will not apply to the caster.
Abilities that will apply to units on the hex and all adjacent hexes.
Certain abilities such as Mage's Splash Attack have a limit on units.
If there is no limit listed, it can target any number of applicable targets.
The unit cannot act. Damage will awaken them. Enemy units will not target them.
The unit cannot act.
The ability to spawn a unit is spawned in the Battle Start or during battle. Units which placed before battle due to a Kingdom Bonus also count as a Summon.
An effect which changes the targeting behavior of a unit, forcing them to target a specific enemy unit type if they are present in battle.
An ability which moves a unit, typically during Battle Start.
A Rogue's Teleport will move them 4 rows ahead from their starting hex.
An ability which pulls a unit toward them.
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